Professor of Structural Biology
Academic Director of HWB·NMR
Teresa Carlomagno started her scientific career at the University of Naples, Italy, where she studied Chemistry. During her Ph.D. studies and her following post-doctoral work at the University of Frankfurt, Germany, she developed NMR methods to study the structure and the dynamics of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. During a second post-doctoral period at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA, she matured a strong interest in the mechanisms of intermolecular recognition and function in ribonucleoprotein complexes.
In 2001, she joined the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany, and started her own research group. In 2007, she moved to the EMBL in Heidelberg as a group leader in biomolecular NMR spectroscopy in the Structural and Computational Biology Unit. In 2015 she moved to the Leibniz University of Hannover, as a W3 professor in Structural Chemistry and joined group leader at the HZI in Braunschweig. In 2021 she left Germany to continue her career at the University of Birmingham, where she is Professor of Integrative Structural Biology at the School of Biosciences and in the Institute of Cancer and Genomics Sciences, as well as Academic Director of the national high-field NMR facility HWB-NMR.
Her laboratory characterizes intermolecular interactions at the border between structure, dynamics and disorder by combining NMR spectroscopy both in solution and in solid-state with XRS, EM, Small-Angle-Scattering (SAS) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). She uses integrative structural biology to study macromolecular complexes with enzymatic function involved in RNA metabolism and in the regulation of gene expression. In parallel, the lab develops the computational methodologies necessary to interpret and evaluate integrative structural biology data and new methodologies for structural biology of RNA. The lab has pioneered solid-state NMR as a tool to solve structures of RNA in flexible RNP complexes, which are not suitable for XRS and EM studies.
Member of the DFG Committee on Scientific Instrumentation and Information Technology 2017-2022
Chair of the ENC (conference with ca. 1000 participants) in Asilomar, California – April 19-24, 2015
Chair of the EMBO/EMBL Symposium “Molecular Machines: Lessons from integrating structure, biophysics and chemistry” – Heidelberg, Germany – May 18-21, 2014
Richard Ernst Stipendium from the Group of Magnetic Resonance of the GdCH (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, German Chemical Society) 1999
Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, 1997 (award declined in favor of the Marie Curie fellowship)
European Union grant of the „Marie Curie Researcher Training and Mobility Program“, 1997
Grant from the Italian Ministry of University, 1995
EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) fellowship, 1995
Publications within the group:
Long-range conformational changes in the nucleotide-bound states of the DEAD-box helicase Vasa | Biophysical Journal |
The specificity of intermodular recognition in a prototypical nonribosomal peptide synthetase depends on an adaptor domain | Science Advances |
Phosphopeptide binding to the N-SH2 domain of tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 correlates with the unzipping of its central β-sheet | Computational and Structural Biology Journal |
Methods for Structure Determination of SH2 Domain-Phosphopeptide Complexes by NMR | Methods in Molecular Biology |
NMR Methods to Study the Dynamics of SH2 Domain-Phosphopeptide Complexes | Methods in Molecular Biology |
An NMR Study of a 300-kDa AAA+ Unfoldase | Journal of Molecular Biology |
Experiment-guided molecular simulations define a heterogeneous structural ensemble for the PTPN11 tandem SH2 domains | Chemical Science |
A real-time analysis of GFP unfolding by the AAA+ unfoldase PAN | Journal of Magnetic Resonance |
The EJC disassembly factor PYM is an intrinsically disordered protein and forms a fuzzy complex with RNA | Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences |
Structural insights into the activity regulation of full-length non-structural protein 1 from SARS-CoV-2 | Structure |
Nucleic acid–protein interfaces studied by MAS solid-state NMR spectroscopy | Journal of Structural Biology:X |
Structural and functional roles of 2’-O-ribose methylations and their enzymatic machinery across multiple classes of RNAs | Current Opinion in Structural Biology |
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shift assignments of SHP2 SH2 domains in complex with PD-1 immune-tyrosine motifs | Biomolecular NMR Assignments |
Observing Protein Degradation by the PAN-20S Proteasome by Time-Resolved Neutron Scattering | Biophysical Journal |
Specificity and regulation of phosphotyrosine signaling through SH2 domains | Journal of Structural Biology: X |
Structure of a Protein–RNA Complex by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
The guide sRNA sequence determines the activity level of box C/D RNPs | eLife |
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering of RNA–Protein Complexes | Methods in Molecular Biology |
Molecular mechanism of SHP2 activation by PD-1 stimulation | Science Advances |
Histone chaperone exploits intrinsic disorder to switch acetylation specificity | Nature Communications |
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy of RNA | Methods in Enzymology |
Rapid access to RNA resonances by proton-detected solid-state NMR at >100 kHz MAS | Chemical Communications |
Isotope labeling for studying RNA by solid-state NMR spectroscopy | Journal of Biomolecular NMR |
Structural characterization of the Asf1–Rtt109 interaction and its role in histone acetylation | Nucleic Acids Research |
Chemical Analysis of a "Miller-Type" Complex Prebiotic Broth | Origins Of Life And Evolution Of Biospheres |
M3: an integrative framework for structure determination of molecular machines | Nature Methods |
Structure-Based Design of Scaffolds Targeting PDE10A by INPHARMA-NMR | Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling |
A bromodomain–DNA interaction facilitates acetylation-dependent bivalent nucleosome recognition by the BET protein BRDT | Nature Communications |
Chemical Analysis of a "Miller-Type" Complex Prebiotic Broth Part I: Chemical Diversity, Oxygen and Nitrogen Based Polymers | Origins Of Life And Evolution Of Biospheres |
The histone chaperone sNASP binds a conserved peptide motif within the globular core of histone H3 through its TPR repeats | Nucleic Acids Research |
Optimization of protein samples for NMR using thermal shift assays | Journal of Biomolecular NMR |
An integrated approach for genome annotation of the eukaryotic thermophile Chaetomium thermophilum | Nucleic Acids Research |
Six Subgroups and Extensive Recent Duplications Characterize the Evolution of the Eukaryotic Tubulin Protein Family | Genome Biology and Evolution |
Molecular Recognition of Epothilones by Microtubules and Tubulin Dimers Revealed by Biochemical and NMR Approaches | ACS Chemical Biology |
Present and future of NMR for RNA–protein complexes: A perspective of integrated structural biology | Journal of Magnetic Resonance |
The structure of the box C/D enzyme reveals regulation of RNA methylation | Nature |
A Reducing Milieu Renders Cofilin Insensitive to Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate (PIP2) Inhibition | Journal of Biological Chemistry |
A Suite of Solid-State NMR Experiments for RNA Intranucleotide Resonance Assignment in a 21 kDa Protein-RNA Complex | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
Accounting for Conformational Variability in Protein–Ligand Docking with NMR-Guided Rescoring | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Structural Principles of RNA Catalysis in a 2′–5′ Lariat-Forming Ribozyme | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Towards Improved Quality of GPCR Models by Usage of Multiple Templates and Profile-Profile Comparison | PLOS ONE |
Protein–RNA Interfaces Probed by 1H-Detected MAS Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
Synthesis and biological evaluation of a water-soluble derivative of the potent V-ATPase inhibitor archazolid | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters |
Phf19 links methylated Lys36 of histone H3 to regulation of Polycomb activity | Nature Structural & Molecular Biology |
The description of protein internal motions aids selection of ligand binding poses by the INPHARMA method | Journal of Biomolecular NMR |
Hyperpolarized Binding Pocket Nuclear Overhauser Effect for Determination of Competitive Ligand Binding | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
NMR in natural products: understanding conformation, configuration and receptor interactions | Natural Product Reports |
An NMR-based scoring function improves the accuracy of binding pose predictions by docking by two orders of magnitude | Journal of Biomolecular NMR |
Recognition of 2′-O-Methylated 3′-End of piRNA by the PAZ Domain of a Piwi Protein | Structure |
13C-Detection in RNA Bases: Revealing Structure−Chemical Shift Relationships | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Binding of the Human Prp31 Nop Domain to a Composite RNA–Protein Platform in U4 snRNP | Science |
High-Resolution Solid-State NMR Structure of an Anticancer Agent | ChemMedChem |
Structural Basis of the Activity of the Microtubule-Stabilizing Agent Epothilone A Studied by NMR Spectroscopy in Solution | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
Side-Chain Orientation and Hydrogen-Bonding Imprint Supra-τc Motion on the Protein Backbone of Ubiquitin | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
The INPHARMA Method: Protein-Mediated Interligand NOEs for Pharmacophore Mapping | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
Ligand-Target Interactions: What Can We Learn from NMR? | Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure |
Identification of a Novel Pharmacophore for Peptide Toxins Interacting with K+ Channels | Journal of Biological Chemistry |
Assignment and NOE Analysis of 2'-Hydroxyl Protons in RNA: Implications for Stabilization of RNA A-Form Duplexes | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
κM-Conotoxin RIIIK, Structural and Functional Novelty in a K+ Channel Antagonist | Biochemistry |
Structure of the NCoA-1/SRC-1 PAS-B Domain Bound to the LXXLL Motif of the STAT6 Transactivation Domain | Journal of Molecular Biology |
Measuring the χ1 torsion angle in protein by CH-CH cross-correlated relaxation: A new resolution-optimised experiment | Journal Of Biomolecular NMR |
Structural studies on a twin-arginine signal sequence | FEBS Letters |
The High-Resolution Solution Structure of Epothilone A Bound to Tubulin: An Understanding of the Structure–Activity Relationships for a Powerful Class of Antitumor Agents | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
Derivation of Dihedral Angles from CH–CH Dipolar–Dipolar Cross-Correlated Relaxation Rates: A C–C Torsion Involving a Quaternary Carbon Atom in Epothilone A Bound to Tubulin | Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
A novel PH-CT-COSY methodology for measuring JPH coupling constants in unlabeled nucleic acids. Application to HIV-2 TAR RNA | Journal of Biomolecular NMR |
Determination of Aliphatic Side-Chain Conformation Using Cross-Correlated Relaxation: Application to an Extraordinarily Stable 2‘-aminoethoxy-Modified Oligonucleotide Triplex | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Residual Dipolar Coupling TOCSY for Direct Through Space Correlations of Base Protons and Phosphorus Nuclei in RNA | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
COIN TACSY, a Novel Approach to Tailored Correlation Spectroscopy | Journal of Magnetic Resonance |
Cross-Correlated Relaxation for Measurement of Angles between Tensorial Interactions | Methods in Enzymology |
A new method for the simultaneous measurement of magnitude and sign of 1DCH and 1DHH dipolar couplings in methylene groups | Journal of Biomolecular NMR |
Errors in the Measurement of Cross-Correlated Relaxation Rates and How to Avoid Them | Journal of Magnetic Resonance |
Ubiquitin Backbone Motion Studied via NHN−C‘Cα Dipolar−Dipolar and C‘−C‘Cα/NHN CSA−Dipolar Cross-Correlated Relaxation | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Transferred Cross-Correlated Relaxation: Application to the Determination of Sugar Pucker in an Aminoacylated tRNA-Mimetic Weakly Bound to EF-Tu | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
New Methylene Specific Experiments for the Measurement of Scalar Spin–Spin Coupling Constants between Protons Attached to 13C | Journal of Magnetic Resonance |
“Kin” HEHAHA Sequences, Heteronuclear Hartmann–Hahn Transfer with Different Bandwidths for Spins I and S | Journal of Magnetic Resonance |
Resonance assignment and secondary structure determination and stability of the recombinant human uteroglobin with heteronuclear multidimensional NMR | Journal of Biomolecular NMR |
PLUSH TACSY: Homonuclear planar TACSY with two-band selective shaped pulses applied to Cα,C′ transfer and Cβ,Caromatic correlations | Journal of Biomolecular NMR |
Conformational analysis of Dolastatin 10: An NMR and theoretical approach | Biopolymers |