Dr John Kirkpatrick

Scientific Officer

Office: Room G09, HWB-NMR 
             Room 820, Biosciences

Joined the group

Publications within the group:

Long-range conformational changes in the nucleotide-bound states of the DEAD-box helicase Vasa Biophysical Journal 2024
The specificity of intermodular recognition in a prototypical nonribosomal peptide synthetase depends on an adaptor domain Science Advances 2024
Phosphopeptide binding to the N-SH2 domain of tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 correlates with the unzipping of its central β-sheet Computational and Structural Biology Journal 2024
NMR Methods to Study the Dynamics of SH2 Domain–Phosphopeptide Complexes Methods in Molecular Biology 2023
Methods for Structure Determination of SH2 Domain–Phosphopeptide Complexes by NMR Methods in Molecular Biology 2023
An NMR Study of a 300-kDa AAA+ Unfoldase Journal of Molecular Biology 2023
Experiment-guided molecular simulations define a heterogeneous structural ensemble for the PTPN11 tandem SH2 domains Chemical Science 2023
A real-time analysis of GFP unfolding by the AAA+ unfoldase PAN Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2023
The EJC disassembly factor PYM is an intrinsically disordered protein and forms a fuzzy complex with RNA Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2023
Structural insights into the activity regulation of full-length non-structural protein 1 from SARS-CoV-2 Structure 2023
Identification of RNA Base Pairs and Complete Assignment of Nucleobase Resonances by Proton-Detected Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy at 100 kHz MAS Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021
1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical-shift assignments of SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein 1 (leader protein) Biomolecular NMR Assignments 2021
Large-Scale Recombinant Production of the SARS-CoV-2 Proteome for High-Throughput and Structural Biology Applications Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2021
Phosphotyrosine couples peptide binding and SHP2 activation via a dynamic allosteric network Computational and Structural Biology Journal 2021
1H, 13C, 15N chemical shift assignments of SHP2 SH2 domains in complex with PD-1 immune-tyrosine motifs Biomolecular NMR Assignments 2020
The guide sRNA sequence determines the activity level of box C/D RNPs eLife 2020
Molecular mechanism of SHP2 activation by PD-1 stimulation Science Advances 2020
Histone chaperone exploits intrinsic disorder to switch acetylation specificity Nature Communications 2019
Structural characterization of the Asf1–Rtt109 interaction and its role in histone acetylation Nucleic Acids Research 2018
Recognition of 2′-O-Methylated 3′-End of piRNA by the PAZ Domain of a Piwi Protein Structure 2011
Intermolecular Protein−RNA Interactions Revealed by 2D 31P−15N Magic Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010
An Efficient Strategy for the Determination of the Three-Dimensional Architecture of Ribonucleoprotein Complexes by the Combination of a Few Easily Accessible NMR and Biochemical Data: Intermolecular Recognition in a U4 Spliceosomal Complex Journal of Molecular Biology 2009
Probing Mutation-Induced Structural Perturbations by Refinement Against Residual Dipolar Couplings: Application to the U4 Spliceosomal RNP Complex ChemBioChem 2009